We are located on the bank of the Sant Llorenç de Montgai reservoir, listed as a Wildlife Nature Reserve by the waterfowl and as a wetland area of national importance.
In the north we can find the Mont-Roig and Montsec ranges, in the east the Monteró range, to the south the hydroelectric power station and dam of Sant Llorenç de Montgai and from where the Urgell auxiliary channel departs. To the northwest, rings us La Pobla train line that runs from Lleida to La Pobla de Segur through tunnels and bridges with spectacular views.
Vicent Van Gogh
1.300 trees
The facilities occupy an area of approximately 6 hectares. Due to the type of activity and the area where we are located, hot during the summer and cold in winter, the existence of shade is necessary so that the users can enjoy the outdoor environment in a comfortable and nice way. It is for this reason that there is a total of 1,300 trees spread throughout the surface. These trees, mostly mulberry and banana trees, are deciduous in order to be able to provide shade during the hottest age and sun during the colder age.

Electric meters in each pitch.
On the other hand, to comment that a camping activity requires a moderate energy consumption to meet the needs of the users. It is for this reason that we are constantly updating our facilities so that we could do a more sustainably manage this energy consumption.

Electric meters in each pitch.
One of the first actions taken was the installation of electricity meters in each pitch. This technological improvement allows to reduce the consumption of electricity and eliminate unnecessary uses.
Photovoltaic panels
Likewise, there are two sets of photovoltaic panels, one in the summer pool building and the other in the reception building, for the generation of electrical energy and thus reduce the general electrical consumption of the itself activity.

Sistema de climatización
For the hottest season, the restaurant has an air-conditioning system that uses the water generated to water the trees to cool this space.
Geothermal an Biomass
For colder season, a geothermal system and a biomass system are available to provide the hot water and heating services to most of the equipments. In addition, this system is also responsible of weatherize the indoor pool; the water, the room temperature and heating the floor of the room.
We emphasize that the biomass system feeds on local wood chips.

Solar panels
One of the service building, where the showers, bathrooms, laundry and dishwasher area of the camping are located, has a solar panel system to preheat the heating and hot water circuit. This system allows to reduce the energy consumption of fossil fuels.
We have a selective collection point located in the parking lot of the campsite where you can find containers for glass, paper and cardboard, for plastics and for organic matter. Likewise, another recycling point is available for the collection of light bulbs, batteries, coffee capsules and burnt oil.
Noteworthy that in all our accommodations you can also find a selective dustbin. It is also carried out in the rest of our facilities, such as the campsite reception, the restaurant kitchen, the bar and the playground.

Water management
To control and manage the hydraulic consumption in the most efficient way possible, all the camping water points such as showers, toilets, toilets, dishwashing area, among others, are with a timer. In addition, all points have an atomizer to reduce water consumption but, at the same time, are comfortable to use and functional.

Water treatment plant
Finally highlight the sewage treatment plant. We have a management system consisting of three elements:
- Set of decantation vessels periodically sanitized by an authorized company.
- Oils separator.
- Biological system formed by a set of rotating biodiscs.